Why do I love frogs?
Artwork courtesy of Anthony Breslin
Have you ever had a really big job that you keep putting off?
In fact, maybe it’s not even a big job but just say, a phone call you have been meaning to make and you haven’t done it yet.
You find excuses not to do it, putting other things less important in front of it. Then you get to the end of the day and it gets to say 4 o’clock and you say “too late to do that now better do that tomorrow!” Sound Familiar?
One of my favourite sayings is by Mark Twain and it’s related to frogs. The saying goes like this ( I may be paraphrasing a little ) “If you ate a live frog first thing in the morning, nothing else you did that day would be as bad or difficult – would it?” Now of course I’m not telling you to eat live frogs but the concept is to do the most difficult things first. Brian Tracy well-known self-development guru took this concept to the next level and wrote a book called Eat that frog in which he shares 25 procrastination techniques. Well worth a read.
So, what are your frogs 🐸? What are you procrastinating on? Another word for procrastination is resistance
What are you resisting because it seems too hard, scary, boring, frustrating?
Is it….
A phone call,
A copy of your identification document to get started on a new course,
An assignment,
Your tax returns,
Checking emails in the morning,
Those pesky reports you have to do each week
Timesheets ………
What tends to happen when we procrastinate is that the things we are putting off go from something important into something urgent.
When things become urgent, we put ourselves under pressure and we often end up doing the job at hand half-hearted and rushed.
So, if you want to be more productive and effective every day – focus on getting the difficult things done first. This way you don’t have those frogs sitting on your shoulders all day.
The rest of your day will flow much better, and you will feel more accomplished.
I share this with all my clients and attendees from Year 9’s to CEO’s and it works for everyone.
What’s next? Make a list of your frogs, schedule them first thing in the morning. Get them done – and celebrate!
Notice how you will be more productive, effective and focused once you have handled the harder tasks first.
If you need some help discovering those frogs or making sure they get done. Let me assist.
Get in touch here ( https://www.paperclippo.com.au/contact