Why invest in a life coach
I felt compelled to share this amazing article by my wonderful client Rachel of Aeolian Heart. Follow her here
I am totally humbled by what she shared and this truly explains why I do what I do.
People often ask me why they would need a success/life/results coach. Rachel explains it beautifully below.
“Hello Stargazer,
Last year, I did something I never thought I would do in my entire life.
I invested in a life coach.
I used to think of myself as someone who was too independent to need a "coach" to get through life.
I like to do everything myself.
What can I say? Maybe it's my Italian-American heritage......but I'm the kind of person who fantasizes about having Frank Sinatra's timeless rendition of "My Way" blasted at my funeral.
But 2020 was humbling and I needed serious help.
I didn't just need help me get out of bed in the morning.
I needed someone who could keep me focused on my goals......and connect me with my reason for being.
I needed someone who could help me stay optimistic in dark times...
...and open my eyes to the greater vision of my purpose.
I needed someone who could help me take responsibility for the things I can control......and accept the things that I cannot.
So I took the leap and invested in myself in a way that I never thought I would have before.
And I was humbled...
Beyond being an always-there-for-you self-help mentor, the role of the life coach is much greater than I ever imagined.
It's not just about crushing your goals or connecting to your purpose—it's about finding the narrative structure of your existence.
Like how a physical trainer will help you sculpt your physique, a life coach will help you sculpt the vision of your life.
It has been a philosophical journey of self-discovery and I'm so grateful that I humbled myself to ask for help.
It's completely changed who I am, what I do, and how I see my business.”
Full article here https://ckarchive.com/b/e5uph7h8vg49
So now you know. Why not get in touch with me here for a 15-minute obligation-free conversation and see if you would like to take your life to the next level. I look forward to serving you.