The way you start your day is the way your day will stay!

My Morning Routine.png

How do you start your day?  Wake up to the alarm – hit snooze, 8 minutes later hit snooze.. maybe just one more snooze! Then you spend 20 minutes scrolling through your social media ( focusing on everyone else’s lives) . What? Is that the time!

You rush to get ready, miss breakfast, run into work huffing and puffing .. oops sorry I am late! Sound like you? Remember if you choose to snooze you will loose

One of my favourite sayings is “ If you win the morning, you win the day “… Tim Ferris

Today I am going to share a little of how I spend my mornings and I hope that you are inspired to do some of the same.

Let me start by saying, this definitely was not the way I used to spend my mornings. I was the snooze queen. I loved a lie-in.

So, I know that this is a habit you CAN change – never mind the excuses including saying “but I am a night owl”. We can all become larks if we choose to change our rituals and habits. 

It all starts with waking up earlier. Yes I know, I also used to think the 5 am club was crazy.. but now I am one of them. Well closer to 5.30 to be more precise.

What’s the secret to getting up earlier? You got it, go to bed earlier. It is as simple as that.

Most importantly, don’t leave the bedroom without doing your bed. Messy bed, messy life!

There is nothing worse than coming back to a messy room. This simple task will set you up for all other tasks for the day. Listen to this amazing speech by Admiral McRaven of Navy Seals which help influence my change of habit around taking back control of my mornings.

So, let me share my morning routine with you:

Wake up between 5am and 5.30am- honestly, I may sleep in a little on the weekend however I still follow the same routine.

I say a short prayer to give thanks

Start my morning mediation

My shower is my Happiness Booth ( c/o Gretchen Rubin)

– a place to do my inCANtations and affirmations

Finishing with a cold shower – yep, everyday no matter what the weather. The benefits of a cold shower

” A cold shower in the morning does more than wake you up and improve your circulation. The cold and warm stimuli constrict and dilate your blood vessels, which strengthens your immune system. Studies have also shown that cold water reduces sore muscles and supports recovery after sports.”

Next, a drink of lemon water.. there are so many benefits to drinking lemon water and most interestingly even though it goes in as acid – it is one of the best sources of alkaline for your body.

Then it is time for some exercise. I choose Pilates Reformer, walking, cycling, yoga and sometimes a good dance class.

Usually this is all done by 7am and I am ready for my day.  

If you are a snoozer and want to make some changes to your AM and PM routine – why not start with just one or two new good habits – lets say 3 x a week. That’s doable isn’t it ?

I look forward to hearing in the comments what you are currently doing or would like to  start to include in your morning routine.

Remember that the little things we do consistently are often more important than the big things we do once in a while.

To finish off, I want to say that it is not only the morning but also the evening routine that will make a real difference to how you live your life.

Take care of the bookends of your day to live a life of fulfillment and joy everyday.  


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